Need an emergency dentist? We are on hand 6 days a week.
We will always do our best to accommodate an emergency appointment, but please let us know in advance if you need to come – booking ahead of time is advised. We are committed to providing the very best dental care to our patients.
Here are some immediate first aid tips to consider
If you knocked out a tooth, handle the tooth very carefully – at the crown, not the root. Sometimes it is possible to re-implant a tooth. Rinse out your mouth with lukewarm water and rinse the tooth in lukewarm water or milk.
Call us as soon as possible on 056 7765613.
If you have broken your tooth, come see us as soon as possible as it may avoid issues in the future.
At Friary Court Dental and Facial Clinic, we are here to help you with emergency dental concerns.

“The kids think going to the dentist is a treat now with all the stickers you gave them. No fear of dentists here!”